The four-week, step-by-step transformation program for men & women 35 & over.

Our Rebooters lose 10-20-30 lbs in 28 days!

The Iron WIll 28-Day Reboot includes:

  • +A simple, easy to follow MEAL PLAN, that WILL NOT leave you feeling hungry
  • +Dynamic weekly group calls with your coach
  • +Short, simple IMPACTFUL body-changing workouts - you WILL NOT need to spend endless hours at the gym
  • +Daily inspiration
  • +A SUPER-SUPPORTIVE online community - You're not doing this alone!!
  • Feel STRONG & CONFIDENT, look AMAZING, and have much more ENERGY to do the things you really want to do!
YES - give me access now!

Since I joined the program I have seen amazing progress in myself and other participants. I have lost over 25lbs, and as I approach my goal weight, I have seen gains in my strength and stamina I haven’t seen in years.

For me, the diet and exercise program is NOT difficult to follow, but it is the accountability and motivation that really hits home.

Curd pulls no punches. He tells it like it is, and inspires you to keep progressing. Curd’s own story is inspiring in itself, and the weekly calls and daily check-ins really work. Curd and Lewis are there anytime for questions and support.

I recently turned 60 and haven’t felt this good since I competed in judo and rugby 30+ years ago!

~Mark H, Ottawa, ON



Did you see that before & after photo at the top? My name is Curd Hos, and that's me in that before & after photo — weighing 398lbs ... and 277lbs!!

I developed this program myself and have lost OVER 135 POUNDS - including 30 lbs in 30 days! It works because I've developed, tested, adjusted, and applied it to myself and for hundreds of my personal training clients over the years. Now we can do the same for you online and virtually.

Some of the program features include:

Super-simple food & meal plan,
Workout program you can do at home or the gym,
Daily accountability,
Live weekly video group calls,
Burn fat,
Build lean muscle,
Private Facebook group for all of our members,
Individual coach support,

Continue on your own journey after 28 days,


Continue working with us until your goals are met!

Curd Hos

I’m in my early 50’s and I've been in the Health & Fitness industry, & on the powerlifting scene for about 30 years. I’ve owned & operated retail fitness stores, training facilities & now am the founder & owner of Iron Hos Gear, a Canadian lifting accessory & apparel company.
I’m also a recovering alcoholic (sober since 2014) & have struggled with weight issues throughout my life.
Powerlifting & weight training have been the things that have gotten me through some of my darkest times.
I always say, my life has been repeatedly saved by the BARBELL!
My purpose with the Iron Will Program is to inspire people to the fact that we can achieve amazing things no matter our age or circumstances, to keep working on & becoming the very best version of ourselves, & be stronger both physically & mentally.
Way too many people think they're too old or too broken to make a transformation, but I'm living proof that we're capable of so much more than we're giving ourselves credit for.

I am grateful to be given this Struggle.
I will Persevere through it with strength & honor.
I will Succeed like never before.
I will Inspire myself and others along the way.
I will do so with an IRON WILL.

Iron Will Reboot weight loss fitness

Lewis Kavanagh

I recently turned 50 & I'm as focused now on my fitness & nutrition as I've ever been in my life.
Somewhere along the way, the things I used to be able to get away with when it came to eating & drinking changed. In my 20's it seemed I could get away with anything. After 30? Not so much!
I've long had a love/hate relationship with exercising - which was reflected by my on-again/off-again commitment.
But, after going through a health scare that resulted in a heart valve replacement, I realized I had to take better control of my health & nutrition.
It only took about 40 years, but it finally sunk in that I can't out-train my careless, shitty food choices.
You see, I've always struggled with my weight & body image. As I approached my 40th birthday, I suddenly realized I had gained about 30 lbs in my 30s. All through my 40s, I always wanted to lose that extra weight, but found myself actually gaining even more.
The 28-Day Reboot has worked for me like no other program I've tried. It's super-simple, which is what makes it so effective. And the mindset work helped me create healthy boundaries & stop self-sabotaging.
I've finally been able to drop the weight I always wanted to lose, and I'm now weighing what I was back in the 90's!

My purpose now is to help others who also face this struggle & could use a hand in reaching their health & wellness goals.

Ready to start your EPIC TRANSFORMATION?

Click below. Once completed we will contact you to get you setup in the Iron Will Reboot Ultra Secret & Super-Cool Private Facebook Page & start sending you information on the important tools and concepts you'll be using daily that REALLY make the results happen!
We have faith in you & we can't wait to see how EXCITED, INSPIRED & ENERGIZED you become as your results start happening!
Lets Crush it! - Curd & Lewis

YES - I want the SUPERHERO version of ME

Your TRANSFORMATION starts in:


Discover what our graduates say!

"Having recently been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, I was at one of the lowest points in my life back in the fall of 2020. I was unhappy, unhealthy and did not have the motivation or energy to fix myself. One night, I came across a post from Iron Will talking about Curd’s journey and his transformation. Enough procrastinating and enough excuses, it was now or never. I reached out to Curd and he responded right away asking me about why I wanted to do this. Nobody had ever flipped the question on me. It made me think about what’s important in my life and how I’m not ready to be a 30-something year old diabetic struggling for the rest of my life.
Curd’s no BS approach has taught me that accountability starts and ends with me. This journey is difficult, it’s full of obstacles and unknowns but having the Iron Will group, led by Curd and Lewis, has helped me lose over 75 pounds and it’s just the beginning. Iron Will has truly become like a second family that encourages me, supports me and will not let me give up. I am grateful to Curd and Lewis for helping me navigate this journey, offering their support when needed and making sure that I remain accountable to myself. I cannot say enough great things about them and the program. If you just don’t know where to start to get healthy, Iron Will is the answer.

~Cynthia Morgan, 39

Has this been easy - Hell No! But is this worth it - you bet your life. Actually, I bet my life.

Quick flashback to 2019 I finished my second Ironman race battered at 204 lbs. I needed a break but I descended into a dark place and slowly gained weight. Then Covid came in early 2020 and gave me an excuse to carry on with the abusive eating and drinking. Fast Forward to February when I reached out to Curd and asked about his program and he welcomed me into a conversation, he introduced me to the program and we began. I worked with him and his team as well as others wanting to regain our willpower and control. The program is VERY Simple to follow and offered ongoing team support through social media, weekly calls and knowing that the moderators were at the ready and available if and when needed. My "teammates" support each other as well and the first 30 days flew by. There were some challenges but I stuck through and continue to stick it out.

By far this has been the most success I have had with a program (and I have failed at many others). If you are on the fence and not sure, just hit up Curd and his team and you'll quickly see that YOU ARE WORTH the effort.

I am on track; the right track, and I will be here again.

~John Villeneuve, 52

"We have all heard about weight-loss programs & apps & "easy" fast schemes. Some like me have experienced weight loss or weight problems in our lives because we try so hard to succeed.

I lived overweight for 30 years out of 46 years of my life. I tried many, many ways to shed the weight over those years. For me, what changed the endless cycle of fad diets & starving, or simply giving up, IS the IRON WILL REBOOT program.

I gave myself the gift of a 28-day Reboot program (in the back of my mind... a little voice, my familiar old friends fear, self-hatred, desperation...said "here we go again").

Then I lived 28 days of unadulterated, raw honesty & integrity for myself. I became a student of a beautifully simple way to strive for myself. I allowed myself to appreciate the struggle, not fear it. I accepted that I would find success if I opened myself to the concrete yet ever flowering ups & downs of my life.

I was inspired, & the best part?
I inspire others to do the same because it's so very simple. It's unbelievable yet it's proven & it's waiting for you as well.

I will simply live this new page/chapter/being as I learned to do in the Iron Will 28-day program, that was the catalyst of this NEW ME!"

~Taghnya T, Papineauville, Quebec

As a 62 year old man, I joined the Iron Will Reboot program to get back on track with both weight loss and fitness.

The program gave me a solid plan to address both issues.

It covered meal planning and prep, provided daily work out options, and most importantly required accountability to ensure that I was following the program and staying on track.

I found that the level of support and encouragement from the group and leaders to be a big part of why I am succeeding.

I have lost 13 lbs so far, and encourage anyone who is struggling with their weight and fitness to check out the program.

It really works and you won’t regret it.

~James Babe, Ottawa, ON

This is the face of a happy woman who feels amazing after losing 50 pounds in less than 5 months.

I found determination.

I found a positive mindset.

I found family.

The Iron Will Reboot Transformation Program is unlike other programs I have tried.

Iron Will made me focus on the true issue with my weight - mindset. I was able to admit to myself that I had an unhealthy relationship with food, which always sabotaged my progress.

Iron Will takes into account every aspect of physical and mental health to allow for better, longer success.

In just 3 months I’ve lost 35 pounds and 10% body fat.

My back problems are almost gone, my posture is better, I have more energy and confidence.

I’m also working through my food issues and my mindset is healthier. Last, but not least, I am part of a community that encourages and supports.

~Isabelle Chaloub, Ottawa, ON

"Since I started the Reboot, I've achieved more than I could have ever imagined.

I thought I was too old and fat to do it. I thought I would drop of a heart attach on the treadmill.

But I fucking did it!

Nothing happened but good things. I wasn't too old, or too fat. The weight started to come off. I was not starving myself. I was not too weak to move If I missed a meal. This was all in my head.

I quickly realized that I chose the right hard - It was harder to be fat, lazy and miserable - although I didn't know it at the time.

I was a deactivated person, going through the motions day to day with no drive.

Today I am activated!

I was pre diabetic and I just received results that all my blood work is completely normal now.

Before I started Curd Hos told me I would get to 275lbs.
I thought he was fucking crazy.
Well I am now at 315lbs. 50lbs down, and more than half way to that goal from my starting point.

~Chris Chapman, Ottawa, ON

I was over 350 lbs and almost at 49% bodyfat - by far the heaviest I have ever been before. I was having a pretty rough time mental health wise and had stopped caring.

I decided I needed to make a change and turned to my friend Curd Hos and he helped me work on my mentality and got me back on track.

The four months I worked with him was amazing and I have kept myself going. I am almost to my goal of losing 100 lbs now and have been able to run again - overall my health is much better!

~Robert Allen, Pembroke, ON

Life changing! I recently hit my 40's, sedentary job, packed on some weight and was at a low point both mentally and physically.

I decided to give Iron Will a go, nothing to lose.

First month I dropped over 15lbs by following the diet plan and workout regiment provided by Curd and Lewis.

Easy to follow and keeps you on track. I've never felt better and would highly recommend this to absolutely anyone looking for some positive change.

~Manny Sorrentino, 43, Ottawa, ON


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