For men and Women Over 40
If you're Finally ready to have more energy, feel and look amazing and live life on your terms - this is for you
"Experience the training and principles I used to go from 398 lbs to to 260 lbs at 54 years of age.
The same principles and methods my male and female clients go through to have lost 40 - 100 lbs each.
Get started to today on your life altering Transformation ."
- Curd Hos | Iron Hos Gym -
"This Jumpstart is your chance to feel and see how simple changing your life can be.
So Many of my clients are living proof that they can look and feel amazing over the age of 40 - 50 and 60 years old.
- Scott Laviolette | Transformation and Strength Coach at Iron Hos Gym -
Join the Transformation Jumpstart today and get:
Address: 1439 Youville Drive Unit 3 - Orleans , Ontario K1C 4M8
Curd Hos and Iron Hos gym specialize transformation programs for men and women over 40. He and his coaches live and lead by example.
Transformation Coach Ottawa - We specialize in Transformation training in Ottawa - Weight loss through food plans Ottawa - Lifestyle Coaching for Ottawa men and women
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